About Gadchiroli District

ssagadchirolizp.blogspot.in या ब्लॉगमध्ये आपले सहर्ष स्वागत आहे. गडचिरेाली जिल्यातील शैक्षणिक समस्या, विविध शैक्षणिक उपक्रम याकरीता सदर ब्लॉग बनविण्यात आलेला आहे. या ब्लॉगवर सर्व प्रकारच्या समस्यांचा शोध घेवून त्यावर उपायोजना करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला जाणार आहे.
Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.6 Economic status of the people :

Actual, the district is surrounded with thick forest, and hilly area. Most of the population lives in scattered Villages. People who live in villages earns from the forest while some earns on farm. Around 112500 families are below poverty line out of 970294 population. The district is non industrial and remote so that there is no other way to earn without dependence on forest and farming. So almost people belongs to middle and lower middle class.

1.7 Historical Background :

The District has been established on 26 th August 1982. Earlier it was a part of the Chandrapur distict. The most part of the district is backward, undeveloped and poverty stricken. About 65% population of this district is living below poverty line. Out of the total population, 40% population comprises of tribal community whose main earning is from forest products.

The Southern part of the district was ruled by Gond Raja. The fort of Vairagad, Tippagad and Palasgad today stand as symbols of the glorious age old history of the Gond Raja. The thick forest part of the district is known as “Dandakaranya” where lord Rama had dwelt in exile for 14 years. Similarly the daughter in law of the great Arjuna (Pandav) Uttara, wife of Abhimanyu belong to Vairagad, which was the Capital of Virat Raja.

In the feedom struggle, here too people from Wadsa, Gadchiroli, Sironcha Tahasils sacrifices their lives. The tribal freedom fighter “Veer Baburao Sadmake” faught tooth and nail against British Empire, remains pride of the district. In the Pre Independence period British established district head quarters at Sironcha. Later on it were shifted to Chandrapur.

Still 26 th August 1982, the district being a part of Chandrapur district had only two tahesils Gadchiroli and Sironcha. At present district has its own independent Administration machinery with Zilla Parishad, 12 Panchayat Samittee and 12 Revenue Blocks. The district have three legislative constituencies with no independent Parliamentary constituency.

There is satisfactory infrastructure for primary schooling. In the distict there are 15 senior colleges including Government Science College. There is also Navodaya Vidhyalaya located at Ghot and Government Polytechnique at Gadchiroli.

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