About Gadchiroli District

ssagadchirolizp.blogspot.in या ब्लॉगमध्ये आपले सहर्ष स्वागत आहे. गडचिरेाली जिल्यातील शैक्षणिक समस्या, विविध शैक्षणिक उपक्रम याकरीता सदर ब्लॉग बनविण्यात आलेला आहे. या ब्लॉगवर सर्व प्रकारच्या समस्यांचा शोध घेवून त्यावर उपायोजना करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला जाणार आहे.
Management Structure of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - District Level

The management cost up to 6% of total programme cost includes expenditure on data collection and EMIS operationalisation and maintenance; office expenses including the salary of support staff engaged on contract basis, hiring of experts under various intervention, provision of equipment including computer and its accessories for SPO, DPO and MIS, stationery, telephone, fax, photocopier, consumables, POL, postage, vehicle hiring, TA/DA of functionaries, recurring contigent and miscellaneous cost.

Management costs should be used to develop effective teams at State/District/Block/Cluster levels..

Number Name of Post Sanctioned Posts Working Posts
1. Executive Engineer 1 1
2. Accounts Officer 1 0
3. Assistant Accounts Officer 1 1
4. Computer Programmer 1 1
5. Assistant Programme Officer 2 1
6. Gender Co-ordinator 1 1
7. District Coordinator AIE 1 0
8. Junior Engineer 1 1
9. Research Assistant 1 0
10. IED Co-ordinators 3 3
11. Senior Clerk 1 1
12. Sr.Account clerk cum Cashior 1 1
13. Data Entry Operators 2 1
14. Driver 1 1
Total 18 13