About Gadchiroli District

ssagadchirolizp.blogspot.in या ब्लॉगमध्ये आपले सहर्ष स्वागत आहे. गडचिरेाली जिल्यातील शैक्षणिक समस्या, विविध शैक्षणिक उपक्रम याकरीता सदर ब्लॉग बनविण्यात आलेला आहे. या ब्लॉगवर सर्व प्रकारच्या समस्यांचा शोध घेवून त्यावर उपायोजना करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला जाणार आहे.

संपर्क क्रमांक - शिक्षण विभाग, जिल्हा परिषद गडचिरोली

कार्यालयाचे नाव दुरध्वनी क्रमांक ई - मेल
शिक्षण विभाग (प्राथमिक) 07132 - 222347 eoprygadchiroli@gmail.com
शिक्षण विभाग (माध्यमिक) 07132 - 222082 eosecondary@gmail.com
सर्व शिक्षा अभियान 07132 - 222459 ssagadchiroli1@gmail.com

शिक्षण विभागाचे प्रमुख अधिकारी

पद पुर्ण नाव मोबाईल क्रमांक
शिक्षण विभाग (प्राथमिक) श्री. पी. एच. उरकुडे 9420865777
शिक्षण विभाग (माध्यमिक) श्री. रमेश उचे 9404829296
उपशिक्षणाधिकारी (प्राथमिक) श्री. एम.एन. चलाख 9423765698

Contact Number - MIS Co-ordinators

No Block Name of DEO Mobile email-id
1. Gadchiroli Smt. Archana B. Dhole 8999322906 brcssagadchiroli@gmail.com
2. Chamorshi Shri Vikas Gaidhane 9420050097 brcchamorshi@yahoo.com

Contact Number - Block Education Office

क्र. तालुका गटशिक्षणाधिकारी मोबाईल ई-मेल
1. गडचिरोली श्रीमती संगिता खोब्रागडे 9421279833 brcssagadchiroli@gmail.com
2. आरमोरी श्रीमती हेमलता जे. परसा 9421279833 brcarmori@yahoo.com
3. कुरखेडा श्री. पी. एम. शिवणकर 9403070402 brckurkheda1@yahoo.com
4. धानोरा श्री. रमेश उचे 9404829296 brcdhanora@yahoo.com
5. चामोर्शी श्री. पारधी 9423688218 brcchamorshi@yahoo.com
6. अहेरी श्रीमती निर्मला डब्ल्यू. वैद्य 9423645606 brcaheri@yahoo.com
7. एटापल्ली श्री. एन. टी. माटुरकर 9405688695 beoetapalli@gmail.com
8. सिरोंचा श्री. वाय. आर. टेंभुर्णे 9420845610 brcsironcha@yahoo.com
9. मुलचेरा श्री. धर्मानंद मेश्राम 9423621193 brcmulchera@yahoo.com
10. कोरची श्री. ए. ए. आत्राम 7588772970 brckorchi@yahoo.com
11. भामरागड श्रीमती अश्विनी सोनावणे 9822520328 brcbhamragad@yahoo.com
12. देसाईगंज श्री. माणिक एन. बांगर 9422505760 brcdesaiganj1@yahoo.com

Contact Number - Resource Persons IED

क्र तालुका कर्मचाऱ्यांचे नाव पद मोबाईल
1. गडचिरोली कु. छाया क्षमाकांत वाघधरे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9975103811
2. गडचिरोली श्री. राजेश महादेव पचारे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (कर्णबधिर) 9764241623
3. आरमोरी कु. प्रतिभा दामोधर मेश्राम विशेष तज्ज्ञ (दृष्टीदोष) 9637575810
4. आरमोरी कु. दिपाली विजयराव गुडेपवार विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9404786921
5. कुरखेडा श्री. महानंद शिवचंद डोंगरे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9764714059
6. कुरखेडा श्री. डुलीराम मनोहरजी ब्राम्हणकर विशेष तज्ज्ञ (दृष्टीदोष) 9689059354
7. धानोरा कु. सुनंदा बालाजी काकडे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (दृष्टीदोष) 8975056376
8. धानोरा श्री. उमाकांत पुंडलिक भांडेकर विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 8275290228
9. चामोर्शी श्री. रतन सुभाष गोंडे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (कर्णबधिर) 9445462570
10. चामोर्शी श्री. सुशिल मोतीराम गजघाटे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9860898266
11. अहेरी श्री. राजू मदन नागरे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (कर्णबधिर) 9405508105
12. अहेरी श्री. किशोर सुखदेव मेश्राम विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9423639142
13. एटापल्ली श्री. प्रतिक विजयराव गुडेपवार विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9403175069
14. एटापल्ली श्री. सुयोग जयकृष्ण पाटील विशेष तज्ज्ञ (कर्णबधिर) 9423639142
15. सिरोंचा श्री. भोजराज काशीनाथ मेडीवार विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9422886871
16. सिरोंचा श्री. दिलिप बोझा पुंगाटी विशेष तज्ज्ञ (कर्णबधिर) 8405848953
17. मुलचेरा श्री. हेमंत अभिमन सपाटे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (दृष्टीदोष) 9404184175
18. मुलचेरा श्री. राजेश नारायण नागपुरकर विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 8764811618
19. कोरची श्री. शिवाजी नामदेव वाघमारे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9404838486
20. भामरागड श्री. कैलाश छोटेलाल जगने विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9422348496
21. देसाईगंज कु. अल्का शामलाल सोनेकर विशेष तज्ज्ञ (कर्णबधिर) 9637583750
22. देसाईगंज कु. वैशाली दादाजी खोब्रागडे विशेष तज्ज्ञ (मतिमंद) 9021453176

Contact Number - Sr. Account Clerks

No Block Name of DEO Mobile email-id
1. गडचिरोली श्री. ए. एम. अंकमवार 7776922719 brcssagadchiroli@gmail.com
2. आरमोरी कु. जे. एस. बुजाडे 9421735341 brcarmori@yahoo.com
3. कुरखेडा श्री. के. एा. बोक्कावार 8007450973 brckurkheda1@yahoo.com
4. धानोरा श्री. एम. ए. कोहाडे 9403957525 brcdhanora@yahoo.com
5. चामोर्शी श्री. ए. एम. अंकमवार 7776922719 brcchamorshi@yahoo.com
6. अहेरी श्री. टी. जी. दुर्गे 9422912658 durgetejram@gmail.com
7. एटापल्ली श्री. डब्लू. ए. चहांदे 7588251073 beoetapalli@gmail.com
8. सिरोंचा श्री. एल. एस. हुलके 7588675841 brcsironcha@yahoo.com
9. मुलचेरा श्री. डी. डी. देवतळे 9405723373 brcmulchera@yahoo.com
10. कोरची श्री. ए. डी. सोरते 9405719933 brckorchi@yahoo.com
11. भामरागड श्री. आर. बी. पारेल्लीवार 9422956647 brcbhamragad@yahoo.com
12. देसाईगंज कु. जे. एस. बुजाडे 9421735341 brcdesaiganj1@yahoo.com

Contact Number - Data Entry Operators

No Block Name of DEO Mobile email-id
1. Gadchiroli Smt. Rekha Kowase 9403225163 brcssagadchiroli@gmail.com
2. Armori Shri Avinash Zilpe 7798351745 brcarmori@yahoo.com
3. Kurkheda Shri Ravi Meshram 7774842042 brckurkheda1@yahoo.com
4. Dhanora Shri Ramesh Jarate 8805135731 brcdhanora@yahoo.com
5. Chamorshi Ku. Seema Sidam 1111111111 brcchamorshi@yahoo.com
6. Aheri Shri Rajesh Chakramwar 9021289562 brcaheri@yahoo.com
7. Etapalli Shri Krushna Puram 8275786150 beoetapalli@gmail.com
8. Sironcha Shri Damodar Potala 9420510039 brcsironcha@yahoo.com
9. Mulchera Vacant - -
10. Korchi Shri Shuddhodhan Kheole 9404175611 brckorchi@yahoo.com
11. Bhamragad Shri Vishu Gedam 9403398415 brcbhamragad@yahoo.com
12. Desaiganj Ku. Archana Churhe 8805150695 brcdesaiganj1@yahoo.com


Map of Gadchiroli District

District Map Previous
Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.10 Blocks covered under “ 103 development block scheme” :

Kurkheda and Desaiganj 2 blocks are covered 103 Developments blocks.

1.11 Tribal Blocks :

  • Kurkheda
  • Dhanora
  • Chamorshi
  • Aheri
  • Etapalli
  • Sironcha
  • Mulchera
  • Korchi
  • Bhamragad
1.12 Tribal Dialects ( Area wise) :

  • Korchi : - Gondi, Chhatisgadi
  • Kurkheda :- Gondi,
  • Dhanora :- Gondi / Chattisgari
  • Etapalli :- Madia / Gondi
  • Bhamragad :- Madia
  • Sironcha :- Madia/ Gondi
  • Aheri :- madia, Telgu
  • Mulchera :- Madia
  • Chamorshi :- Madia

District Map Previous
Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.8 Social Activities :

The district is known as Advasi District which is suffering from the major problem of Naxalism. Because of Illiteracy and Poverty the frustrated Adivasi Youths are attracted towards the naxalism.

Many social institutions and trust are working for the enrichment of social life of the people. Specially SEARCH and Lokbiradari Prakalp are found fruitful to rural people. Not only they are mobilising the rurals but also researching on various aspects which affect on the life of Advasis and tribals. The Adivasis are totally blind believers and their approach towards life is negative. These institutions are changing their lives. Now the villagers are own coming forward for getting their help and benefits of various opportunity made available by the Government.

The way of live is peaceful. Some people are devoting their lives for the social reforming. Though it is difficult to change but things are happening good. It is more important that the Government must take more keen interest for the development of social, economical status of the district.

1.9 Cultural Activities :

The District is a backward and Tribal District. Majority of Population live in villages. People of all community celebrates the Hindu and other religional Festivals. All are social and Helpful in nature. Diwali and Dashera is most popular festival among the people. Rella is dance of madiyas where they performs the functions. Like marriages, and other.

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Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.6 Economic status of the people :

Actual, the district is surrounded with thick forest, and hilly area. Most of the population lives in scattered Villages. People who live in villages earns from the forest while some earns on farm. Around 112500 families are below poverty line out of 970294 population. The district is non industrial and remote so that there is no other way to earn without dependence on forest and farming. So almost people belongs to middle and lower middle class.

1.7 Historical Background :

The District has been established on 26 th August 1982. Earlier it was a part of the Chandrapur distict. The most part of the district is backward, undeveloped and poverty stricken. About 65% population of this district is living below poverty line. Out of the total population, 40% population comprises of tribal community whose main earning is from forest products.

The Southern part of the district was ruled by Gond Raja. The fort of Vairagad, Tippagad and Palasgad today stand as symbols of the glorious age old history of the Gond Raja. The thick forest part of the district is known as “Dandakaranya” where lord Rama had dwelt in exile for 14 years. Similarly the daughter in law of the great Arjuna (Pandav) Uttara, wife of Abhimanyu belong to Vairagad, which was the Capital of Virat Raja.

In the feedom struggle, here too people from Wadsa, Gadchiroli, Sironcha Tahasils sacrifices their lives. The tribal freedom fighter “Veer Baburao Sadmake” faught tooth and nail against British Empire, remains pride of the district. In the Pre Independence period British established district head quarters at Sironcha. Later on it were shifted to Chandrapur.

Still 26 th August 1982, the district being a part of Chandrapur district had only two tahesils Gadchiroli and Sironcha. At present district has its own independent Administration machinery with Zilla Parishad, 12 Panchayat Samittee and 12 Revenue Blocks. The district have three legislative constituencies with no independent Parliamentary constituency.

There is satisfactory infrastructure for primary schooling. In the distict there are 15 senior colleges including Government Science College. There is also Navodaya Vidhyalaya located at Ghot and Government Polytechnique at Gadchiroli.

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Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.3 Industries :

There are no specific big industries in the district. Only small scale industries like Rice Mill, Saw Mill and Ice factories are located in rural areas. Only one big plant located in Ashti who supplies the raw material to its parent factory located in Ballarpur. Majority of people dependent on cultivation land. Some poor people made their earning through the forest.

1.4 Transport & Communication :

The main transporting media is bus in Gadchiroli district. All the dense villages are connected through the roads. Thick forest, Hilly area and rivers make major affect in transporting. Many villages get cut off in rainy season. Only one place named Wadsa has Railway Station in whole district.

1.5 The way of life :

The people from Gondi, and Madiya Jamat arrange their cultural dances. We find them half clad, ladies, and gents adorn their head gears with flowers, leaves and branches of trees and dance on the music of Dhol, Tasha. And Ghungaru. Such cultural dance is known as Rella. Consuming Mahuwa wine to please their deities is very common. They obey the orders of Gram Mukhiya and their priest, known as Poojari as a verdict of god. Young generation has freedom to select each ones life partner during religious, gathering and elders always honor their decisions. During menstruation, the tribal lady is isolated in Gotul located at a distant place out of the village and she is not allowed to be seen, visited or touched by anyone. They use arrow and bow. They are simple, noble, and faithful to the forest civilization and culture. No entertainment facility is available in this area.

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Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.2 Climate & Rainfall:

A verage Rainfall is 1400 to 1500 mm in the district. Rainy season is from June to October. Weather is extremely hot during summer. Maximum temperature reaches upto 460C and during Winter temperature falls upto 60C.

Means of livelihood:

The North South length of the district is 375 Km and it covers the area of 14477 Km2 . Surjagad peak has rich iron ore/reservoir and Tipagarh mountain peak is the glory of Gond Raja. The highest peak is Gadalgatta Tekdi which is 977 meter from sea level.
Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in district. The district is traditionally known to be the major paddy growing part of the state. About 68% of land is under paddy cultivation. Besides paddy wheat, jowar, tur, gram are other crops. Though lot of big 12 months flowing rivers are here but only one Irrigation dam constructed on Dina River in Chamorshi taluka which is very helpful for the cultivation. Many irrigation projects are likely to be closed because of the Forest law.

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Gadchiroli District at a glance

1.1 Geographical Location of the district:

A) District Profile :

The Gadchiroli district is located on 190 and 210 latitude to North, while 800 and 810 longitude toward east. The North South length of district is 375 Km and it covers an area of 14477 Km 2. River Vainganga flowing North South is a natural boundary at the west, dividing Chandrapur and Gadchiroli Districts. The river Godavari and Pranhita adjacent to Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are marking South and West boundaries of the District. Adjoining Bhandara district marks the Northern border of the district. On East side there is Chhattisgarh State. 78 % land is covered with thick forest and only 135000 hectare area is under Kharip Paddy and remaining is under Rabbi Cultivation. Agriculture sector is mainly dependent on Mansoon.

B) Location boundaries:

River Vainganga flowing North South is a natural boundary at the west, dividing Chandrapur and Gadchiroli Districts. The river Godavari and Pranhita adjacent to Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are marking South and West boundaries of the District. Adjoining Bhandara district marks the Northern border of the district. On East side there is Chhattisgarh State

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शिक्षण विभाग (प्राथ), जिल्हा परिषद गडचिरोली
सूचना क्रमांक 1 - 12/9/2017
प्रस्तावना :-
Unified District Information System for Education (U-DISE), जिल्हा शैक्षणिक माहिती प्रणाली भारत सरकारमार्फत कार्यान्वित करण्यात आलेली आहे. या प्रणालीद्वारे राज्यातील इयत्ता 1 ते 12 पर्यंत शिक्षण देण्याऱ्या सर्व व्यवस्थापनाच्या. माध्यमांच्या अभ्यासक्रमांच्या (C.B.S.E., I.C.S.E., I.B., IGCSE, State Board, other, इत्यादी) शाळांची माहिती संकलित करून संगणकीकृत करण्यात येते. अंतिम केलेली माहिती जिल्हास्तरावरून शिक्षणाधिकारी (प्राथमिक माध्यमिक) जिल्हा परिषद यांच्यामार्फत महाराष्ट्र प्राथमिक शिक्षण परिषद, मुंबई कार्यालयास सादर करण्यात येते. सन 2012-13 या वर्षापासून इयत्ता 1 ली ते 12 वी या वर्गाच्या सर्व शाळांची माहिती (U-DISE) या प्रणालीमार्फत संकलित करुन संगणकीकृत करण्यात येत आहे. जिल्हा कार्यालयाकडून अंतीम करण्यात आलेली माहिती महाराष्ट्र प्राथमिक शिक्षण परिषद कार्यालयामध्ये     U-DISE प्रणालीमार्फत एकत्रित करून भारत सरकारकडे पाठविण्यात येते.

उद्दिष्टे :-
·    राज्यामधील सर्व जिल्हयांतील शाळांचा तपशील, विद्यार्थी संख्या, शिक्षकांची संख्या, अनुदान, भौतिक मुलभूत सुविधा इत्यादी माहिती शिक्षण देण्याकरिता अत्यंत महत्त्वाची आहे.
·    बालकांचा मोफत सक्तीचा शिक्षणाचा अधिकार अधिनियम -2009 या अधिनियमाची अंमलबजावणी करण्याकरीता अत्यंत महत्वाची आहे.
·    U-DISE प्रणालीमार्फत संगणकीकृत केलेल्या माहितीचा उपयोग भारत सरकारकडून राबविण्यात येणाऱ्या सर्व शिक्षा अभियान राष्ट्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा अभियान या योजनेच्या वार्षिक नियोजन अंदाजपत्रक तसेच प्रभावीपणे अमंलबजावणी करण्याकरीता आवश्यक आहे. U-DISE प्रपत्र मार्गदर्शन सूचना प्रपत्र महाराष्ट्र प्राथमिक शिक्षण परिषद, मुंबई न्युपा, नवी दिल्ली  यांच्या संकेत स्थळावर उपलब्ध करुन देण्यात आली आहे.